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The PWPL Billiards Team will supply each player a full rule packet upon becomming a member. Below you will see some of the common areas for your review.



Teams must use same cue ball during league play as the away team was allowed to practice with. Any legal regulations or house ball is ok, but no novelty balls. Away team should be allowed from 6:30-7:00 for team practice. If they are late for their team practice time, it’s totally up to the home team to allow them extra time or go ahead and start league on time at 7pm.'m a paragraph. 




The player or any team member may request a coach. must request that they want a coach. No coaching from table or audience. Three’s, Fours, and Fives will get TWO coach per game limit. Six, Seven, Eight & Nines will get ONE coach per game limit. Time limit: A 1 minute 30 second time limit on anyone coaching. If opponent feels the need to keep time on this. At the 1 minute mark, tell your opponent “ONE MINUTE” and then at the 1:30 mark, tell them coach is over. Be respectful. If PWPL feels you are testing the limit on ANY part of the coaching limitations or rules, PWPL may penalize you with a ball in hand, refer to any part of sportsman ship rules, or suspend any more coaching for remainder of match.  Any player on team can tell their shooter which group of balls they have (strips or solids), tell them they have ball in hand, or tell them to call the 8 ball. Those are not considered a coach.




Visiting team has line up choice of all players. 2. Week 1 & 2 everyone will be a “0” average as there is no handicap until week 3 3. When a new player comes in after week 2, they will automatically come in as a 7 average for that one night until they establish an average after shooting once. On your lineup, write down the 7 average in blank and circle it so other team realizes it’s a new player with temporary average. Captains, double check the other team’s handicap listed (player’s averages). 




Handicap is for the lower place team only. A lower team cannot give a higher place team a handicap. Either the lower place team receives the handicap or there is no handicap that night. If both teams are tied in the standings, there is no handicap.  The first 2 weeks are scratch for all divisions. No handicap.  After a player’s first week of play, they will have a game average by dividing their total points made by three. After that, it will be total points made, divided by the total number of games played. (this will be rounded off to the nearest whole number). The minimum average a player can hold is a 3 average for handicap. A player’s average is still computed the same way by dividing total points by times played by 3 games. If their average divides out to be a 0, 1, or 2, they will be a 3 for handicap purposes.  A player’s average is not counted when matched against a blind. Total score cannot exceed a perfect score of 135 points because of handicap in Coed Division, Women’s, and Men’s. go ahead and write down the total score with handicap added to it regardless of what it is and PWPL will adjust the handicap, if needed, so score does not exceed the 135 max.  To determine the team handicap, add the five player’s averages that are playing that night on each team. The difference times 3 will be given to the lower average team. 8. DOUBLE HANDICAP, if the lower place team you are playing is 50 balls or more behind you in the standing, they will receive double handicap

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